Effects Of the Black Death

Effects of The Black Death

The Black Death had many stages that determined if you had the disease or not. At first most of the symptoms were quite similar to the symptoms of a normal cold or flue. So until you started to get worse you didn't know that you had the Black Death. Once you progressed through the stage of the average cough and cold then it started to get much worse. You started to get worse and worse so you would be able to know if you had the Black Death. If these symptoms got any worse then it would be a certain death. Once they progressed past that stage then you would devaelop buboes. Buboes are big swollen spots on either the Neck, Chest or groin. These Buboes cause a lot of pain and killed a lot of people just from the pain because it was too much. The buboes as you know were quite big and would have cause a lot of pain just rom moving. Once this stage had progressed then the buboes would start to deveelop red spots on the buboes. After a few days of then you cough blood for a day or two and then you will be gone.

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